Explore Our Offerings

Multiple ways to access mind & body alignment

Aligned Founder Program

Our signature 1:1 container. For business leaders looking to build great companies from a place of ease, internal clarity & alignment


  • Created for high performing founders & entrepreneurs
  • Personalised breathwork & coaching sessions
  • High level strategy advice from a seasoned founder & investor

It’s not about just understanding the truth in your mind – it’s about feeling it in your body

Deeper understanding & resolution of your personal blind spots

Embody the traits of a strong leader & create an aligned culture

Group Retreats

For those seeking an unconventional experience outside of their normal life.

A chance to receive valuable feedback and build connection with like-minded individuals


  • Disconnection from the constant distractions of life
  • Stepping into a new environment where you can view your life from 10,000ft

Meet like minded people:

  • Learn from shared experiences
  • Gain diverse perspectives
  • Build meaningful connections

Company Offerings

For companies looking to offer a unique & powerful experience for their employees or leadership teams.


  • Customised workshops based on the size & needs of your team.
  • A totally different kind of company experience.

Build a more aligned & cohesive team:

  • Tools & techniques to help employees manage anxiety & emotions
  • Better communication & more authenticity
  • A chance for employees to release built-up stress and feel recharged


Uncover the power behind intentional breathing with our transformative workshops, designed for hardworking professionals.


Boost mental clarity, energy and focus. Acquire tools to confidently navigate the challenges of life. Gain emotional resilience and increase your capacity to be present with all emotions.

Meet like minded people:

  • Learn from shared experiences
  • Gain diverse perspectives